Monday, March 20, 2017

American dream and immigration during 1880-1920

     The immigration to america its not new during 1880-1920 more than 15 million of immigrants arrived to the unite states. most of the immigrants came from places all around Europe and Asia. the immigrants from some places of Asia like Japan and  China arrived in the Angel island at California.    the immigrants from Europe arrived in the Ellis island. most of the immigrants came to the U.S trying to have a better condition of life. others were trying to escape from social and political conflicts in their home countries such as violence. the majority of immigrants that came from        non-English speaking countries have some problems to trying to adapted in the new environment.when the amount of immigrants from the sames countries increase they created their own places to socialite with their own people. one example of this is the China town and the little Russia in network. But no all the immigrant were  welcome in america. Some people " natives"  were against immigration.